Kamis, 28 November 2013

Went To Bali Island
                Last year, I went to Bali Island with my family and my father’s friend. We departed at 07.00 p.m by bus.
 Our journey was for about 20 hours.In the bus, I felt very bored. Almost all of the people in the bus were sleep. But, I wasn’t. I felt very hungry. My mother gave me bread. And after waited for so long, we arrived at Ketapang Harbour. I was very happy, because it was my first journey to Bali Island. And it was my first time, stood on the ship, and I enjoyed my first journey on the water. Our journey on the water was for about 1,5 hours. And after that, we arrived at Gilimanuk Harbour.             
In the Bali Island, the first place that we visited  is Tanah Lot. There, we could see a wonderful scene. We could see clean beach, and wonderful sunrise. There, we took some photos. And after that, we had breakfast, and visited next place, Tanjung Benoa.
In Tanjung Benoa, there were many water games, such as : banana boat, speedboat, and paraseling. Actually, I was like all of the water game, but I was very very tired. I was very sleepy. I’d just lunch, and wasn’t enjoy the water game. After that, we continued our journey to break in the hotel.
And tomorrow, in our schedule, there were many activities, such as : Went to “Kuta” Beach, “Krisna” Shop Centre and Went to “Dreamland” Beach. I enjoyed all of the activities In Bali Island. I loved you Bali....

Minggu, 01 September 2013

My Brother
Lepeth.com.JPGI have a young brother. His name is Ridho Ramadhan. He is 4 years old. He was born on Lumajang, August- 23 -2009.
Ridho has fat body. He is a brilliant boy, but sometime Ridho changes to be a naughty boy. He was naughty when he saw a baby. I don’t know what, but he doesn’t like baby very much. Now, he study at PAUD Al-Ikhlas Lumajang. He is very cute. I love him very much.

Kamis, 24 Januari 2013

How to make Cheese
  1. 2 glasses of fresh milk
  2. 4 tea spoons of vinegar
  3. Salt
  1. Boil the fresh milk in the pan, stir it til raged
  2. After it raged, wait several minutes, then take a lid on it but give a little space to allow the steam out
  3. Then, put the vinegar in it, this step is for divide the content of milk (the solid one and the liquid one)
  4. Next, stir the vinegar about 5-10 minutes
  5. After the solid content get agglomerate, prepare asieve with a clean cloth on it
  6. Filter the solid one til there’s no liquid in it, push the solid content to put out the liquid
  7. Next, put the salt to the solid content
  8. After it mixed, put in to a container, wait several minutes to get it freezed
  9. After it freezed, put it in refigerator, and it’s ready to be served

Kamis, 10 Januari 2013

My Brother

I have young brother. He has fat body. He has brown skin. He always drinks a bottle of milk before he sleeps. He is 3 yers old. He study at PAUD Al - Ikhlas Lumajang. His mother bring him by motorcycle to the shool. He goes to school not everyday, but just on Tuesday, Thursday ,and Saturday. He never comes be late. I love him very much.  

Sabtu, 24 November 2012

Kingdom Monera
Berasal dari bahasa Yunani “moneres” yang berarti tunggal. Terdiri atas Bakteri dan Chyanopyta. Persamaann keduanya adalah sama-sama tersusun dari sel yang bersifat prokariotik, yaitu sel yang intinya tidak memiliki membran atau selaput inti.
1.    Bakteri adalah hewan ber sel satu dan dapat dilihat dengan mikroskop cahaya. 1% bakteri bersifat patogen. Misalnya Salmonella Typhosa yang menyebabkan penyakit tifus. Sebagian besar bakteri berfungsi untuk membantu pembusukan sisa-sisa makhluk hidup. Misalnya, Eschericia Coli yang membantu pembusukan makanan di dalam usus besar dan pembentukan vitamin K.
2.    Cyanophyta ada yang uniseluler, berkoloni, dan filamen multiseluler dan memiliki pigmen fikosianin (biru) dan fikoeritrin (merah) serta memiliki kloroplas yang tersebar di seluruh sel nya. Cyanophyta umumnya tidak dapat bergerak. Tetapi ada yang bisa bergerak maju mundur. Misalnya, Oscilatoria. Habitat Cyanophyta antara lain, di air tawar, air laut, bebatuan dan tempat lembap lainnya